
Cards & Fees

Instructions for use of the virtual credit card system

- There are no hidden fees and all fees are as described before you.

- A MasterCard must be used when paying for all advertising platforms such as Google Ads and online purchases such as Amazon.
- A Visa card must be used if linked to Google Pay and Apple Pay, as well as to pay for studying abroad and international logistical shipping.

- If the payment failure rate exceeds 20%, that is, approximately 3 consecutive rejections, we will impose a fee of 3% (minimum 0.5 dollars) for each rejected transaction, regardless of the failure or successful transactions that were completed before.

- If we find a large number of cards created/cancelled and basically no consumption, we will close the account


Card name



Card type

visa & mastercard

visa & mastercard

Card price

2.5 $

2.5 $

Deposit fees



Monthly fees



Monthly limit

300K $

150K $

Maximum limit for each payment

2000 $

1000 $
